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Speak Peace - A Daily Reader
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Speak Peace - A Daily Reader - Image 1 of 0
Speak Peace - A Daily Reader - Video 2 of 1

Speak Peace - A Daily Reader

  • Author:: Various
  • Edited by:: Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford
  • Publisher:: Brethren Press
Product Code: 9780871782373
Usually Ships in 24 Hours

A commitment to peacemaking is made anew every day. In abroken world, that’s a daunting calling. But God surrounds us with a cloud ofwitnesses, past and present—women and men of faith who testify to the power ofspeaking peace. They speak to us through their words, and also through theirliving. Their brave voices and testimonies challenge us to let our lives speakas well.

Speak Peace is a collection of 366 daily readings—stories,musings, and historical writings. Many are rooted in the Church of theBrethren, known for its longstanding commitment to making peace. Read peace.Speak peace. Pursue peace. Make peace.


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