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Do Miracles Happen? Signs and Wonders in the Gospel of John

Do Miracles Happen? Signs and Wonders in the Gospel of John

  • Author:: Christy Risser
  • Publisher:: Brethren Press
Product Code: 9780873032698
Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Can we experience “signs” and “miracles” like those in the Gospel of John? Not unless we approach the topic of miracles with hearts open to mystery and wonder in the realm of a living, active, loving God. In John’s Gospel, the greatest miracle is that God became flesh and lived among us. John’s other miracles—the wonder of abundance from little, healing and restoration, signs of impossibility and faith—all point to the great act of the resurrection and the divinity of Jesus. We witness the miracles, too, and then respond by following the signs toward the Way of Jesus. (5 sessions, plus extender session)


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